
Module recon_alloc

Functions to deal with Erlang's memory allocators, or particularly, to try to present the allocator data in a way that makes it simpler to discover possible problems.

Authors: Fred Hebert ( [web site:], Lukas Larsson (


Functions to deal with Erlang's memory allocators, or particularly, to try to present the allocator data in a way that makes it simpler to discover possible problems.

Tweaking Erlang memory allocators and their behaviour is a very tricky ordeal whenever you have to give up the default settings. This module (and its documentation) will try and provide helpful pointers to help in this task.

This module should mostly be helpful to figure out if there is a problem, but will offer little help to figure out what is wrong.

To figure this out, you need to dig deeper into the allocator data (obtainable with allocators/0), and/or have some precise knowledge about the type of load and work done by the VM to be able to assess what each reaction to individual tweak should be.

A lot of trial and error might be required to figure out if tweaks have helped or not, ultimately.

In order to help do offline debugging of memory allocator problems recon_alloc also has a few functions that store snapshots of the memory statistics. These snapshots can be used to freeze the current allocation values so that they do not change during analysis while using the regular functionality of this module, so that the allocator values can be saved, or that they can be shared, dumped, and reloaded for further analysis using files. See snapshot_load/1 for a simple use-case.

System allocator, usually just malloc
Used by other allocators, can do mmap. Caches allocations
Used for temporary allocations
Heap data (i.e. process heaps) allocator
Global binary heap allocator
ETS data allocator
Driver data allocator
Short-lived memory blocks allocator
Long-lived data (i.e. Erlang code itself) allocator
Frequently used fixed-size data allocator
Allocator for other memory blocks

When a given area of memory is allocated by the OS to the VM (through sys_alloc or mseg_alloc), it is put into a 'carrier'. There are two kinds of carriers: multiblock and single block. The default carriers data is sent to are multiblock carriers, owned by a specific allocator (ets_alloc, binary_alloc, etc.). The specific allocator can thus do allocation for specific Erlang requirements within bits of memory that has been preallocated before. This allows more reuse, and we can even measure the cache hit rates cache_hit_rates/0.

There is however a threshold above which an item in memory won't fit a multiblock carrier. When that happens, the specific allocator does a special allocation to a single block carrier. This is done by the allocator basically asking for space directly from sys_alloc or mseg_alloc rather than a previously multiblock area already obtained before.

This leads to various allocation strategies where you decide to choose:
  1. which multiblock carrier you're going to (if at all)
  2. which block in that carrier you're going to
See the official documantation on erts_alloc for more details.
Multiblock carriers.
Single block carriers.
Largest multiblock carrier size
Smallest multiblock carrier size
Single block carrier threshold
By default all sizes returned by this module are in bytes. You can change this by calling set_unit/1.

Data Types


allocator() = temp_alloc | eheap_alloc | binary_alloc | ets_alloc | driver_alloc | sl_alloc | ll_alloc | fix_alloc | std_alloc


allocdata(T) = {{allocator(), instance()}, T}


instance() = non_neg_integer()


memory() = [{atom(), atom()}]


snapshot() = {memory(), [allocdata(term())]}

Function Index

allocators/0returns a dump of all allocator settings and values.
average_block_sizes/1Checks all allocators in allocator() and returns the average block sizes being used for mbcs and sbcs.
cache_hit_rates/0looks at the mseg_alloc allocator (allocator used by all the allocators in allocator()) and returns information relative to the cache hit rates.
fragmentation/1Compares the block sizes to the carrier sizes, both for single block (sbcs) and multiblock (mbcs) carriers.
memory/1Equivalent to memory(Key, current).
memory/2reports one of multiple possible memory values for the entire node depending on what is to be reported:.
sbcs_to_mbcs/1compares the amount of single block carriers (sbcs) vs the number of multiblock carriers (mbcs) for each individual allocator in allocator().
set_unit/1set the current unit to be used by recon_alloc.
snapshot/0Take a new snapshot of the current memory allocator statistics.
snapshot_clear/0clear the current snapshot in the process dictionary, if present, and return the value it had before being unset.
snapshot_get/0returns the current snapshot stored by snapshot/0.
snapshot_load/1load a snapshot from a given file.
snapshot_print/0print a dump of the current snapshot stored by snapshot/0 Prints undefined if no snapshot has been taken.
snapshot_save/1save the current snapshot taken by snapshot/0 to a file.

Function Details


allocators() -> [allocdata(term())]

returns a dump of all allocator settings and values


average_block_sizes(Keyword::current | max) -> [{allocator(), [{Key, Val}]}]

Checks all allocators in allocator() and returns the average block sizes being used for mbcs and sbcs. This value is interesting to use because it will tell us how large most blocks are. This can be related to the VM's largest multiblock carrier size (lmbcs) and smallest multiblock carrier size (smbcs) to specify allocation strategies regarding the carrier sizes to be used.

This function isn't exceptionally useful unless you know you have some specific problem, say with sbcs/mbcs ratios (see sbcs_to_mbcs/0) or fragmentation for a specific allocator, and want to figure out what values to pick to increase or decrease sizes compared to the currently configured value.

Do note that values for lmbcs and smbcs are going to be rounded up to the next power of two when configuring them.


cache_hit_rates() -> [{{instance, instance()}, [{Key, Val}]}]

looks at the mseg_alloc allocator (allocator used by all the allocators in allocator()) and returns information relative to the cache hit rates. Unless memory has expected spiky behaviour, it should usually be above 0.80 (80%).

Cache can be tweaked using three VM flags: +MMmcs, +MMrmcbf, and +MMamcbf.

+MMmcs stands for the maximum amount of cached memory segments. Its default value is '10' and can be anything from 0 to 30. Increasing it first and verifying if cache hits get better should be the first step taken.

The two other options specify what are the maximal values of a segment to cache, in relative (in percent) and absolute terms (in kilobytes), respectively. Increasing these may allow more segments to be cached, but should also add overheads to memory allocation. An Erlang node that has limited memory and increases these values may make things worse on that point.

The values returned by this function are sorted by a weight combining the lower cache hit joined to the largest memory values allocated.


fragmentation(Keyword::current | max) -> [allocdata([{atom(), term()}])]

Compares the block sizes to the carrier sizes, both for single block (sbcs) and multiblock (mbcs) carriers.

The returned results are sorted by a weight system that is somewhat likely to return the most fragmented allocators first, based on their percentage of use and the total size of the carriers, for both sbcs and mbcs.

The values can both be returned for current allocator values, and for max allocator values. The current values hold the present allocation numbers, and max values, the values at the peak. Comparing both together can give an idea of whether the node is currently being at its memory peak when possibly leaky, or if it isn't. This information can in turn influence the tuning of allocators to better fit sizes of blocks and/or carriers.


memory(Key::used | allocated | unused) -> pos_integer()

Equivalent to memory(Key, current).


memory(X1::used | allocated | unused, Keyword::current | max) -> pos_integer()

reports one of multiple possible memory values for the entire node depending on what is to be reported:

The memory reported by allocated should roughly match what the OS reports. If this amount is different by a large margin, it may be the sign that someone is allocating memory in C directly, outside of Erlang's own allocator -- a big warning sign.

Also note that low memory usages can be the sign of fragmentation in memory, in which case exploring which specific allocator is at fault is recommended (see fragmentation/1)


sbcs_to_mbcs(Keyword::max | current) -> [allocdata(term())]

compares the amount of single block carriers (sbcs) vs the number of multiblock carriers (mbcs) for each individual allocator in allocator().

When a specific piece of data is allocated, it is compared to a threshold, called the 'single block carrier threshold' (sbct). When the data is larger than the sbct, it gets sent to a single block carrier. When the data is smaller than the sbct, it gets placed into a multiblock carrier.

mbcs are to be prefered to sbcs because they basically represent pre- allocated memory, whereas sbcs will map to one call to sys_alloc or mseg_alloc, which is more expensive than redistributing data that was obtained for multiblock carriers. Moreover, the VM is able to do specific work with mbcs that should help reduce fragmentation in ways sys_alloc or mmap usually won't.

Ideally, most of the data should fit inside multiblock carriers. If most of the data ends up in sbcs, you may need to adjust the multiblock carrier sizes, specifically the maximal value (lmbcs) and the threshold (sbct). On 32 bit VMs, sbct is limited to 8MBs, but 64 bit VMs can go to pretty much any practical size.

Given the value returned is a ratio of sbcs/mbcs, the higher the value, the worst the condition. The list is sorted accordingly.


set_unit(X1::byte | kilobyte | megabyte | gigabyte) -> ok

set the current unit to be used by recon_alloc. This effects all functions that return bytes.

     1> recon_alloc:memory(used,current).
     2> recon_alloc:set_unit(kilobyte).
     3> recon_alloc:memory(used,current).


snapshot() -> snapshot() | undefined

Take a new snapshot of the current memory allocator statistics. The snapshot is stored in the process dictionary of the calling process, with all the limitations that it implies (i.e. no garbage-collection). To unsert the snapshot, see snapshot_clear/1.


snapshot_clear() -> snapshot() | undefined

clear the current snapshot in the process dictionary, if present, and return the value it had before being unset.


snapshot_get() -> snapshot() | undefined

returns the current snapshot stored by snapshot/0. Returns undefined if no snapshot has been taken.


snapshot_load(Filename) -> snapshot() | undefined

load a snapshot from a given file. The format of the data in the file can be either the same as output by snapshot_save(), or the output obtained by calling {erlang:memory(),[{A,erlang:system_info({allocator,A})} || A <- erlang:system_info(alloc_util_allocators)++[sys_alloc,mseg_alloc]]}. and storing it in a file. If the latter option is taken, please remember to add a full stop at the end of the resulting Erlang term, as this function uses file:consult/1 to load the file.

Example usage:

    On target machine:
      1> recon_alloc:snapshot().
      2> recon_alloc:memory(used).
      3> recon_alloc:snapshot_save("recon_snapshot.terms").
    On other machine:
      1> recon_alloc:snapshot_load("recon_snapshot.terms").
      2> recon_alloc:memory(used).


snapshot_print() -> ok

print a dump of the current snapshot stored by snapshot/0 Prints undefined if no snapshot has been taken.


snapshot_save(Filename) -> ok

save the current snapshot taken by snapshot/0 to a file. If there is no current snapshot, a snaphot of the current allocator statistics will be written to the file.